How would you like to meet historical characters such as Abraham Lincoln, Winston Churchill, King David, and many others? Andy Andrews has crafted so beautifully a fictional story of a man named David Ponder, a successful business man who has a life encounter with the angel of God. In his encounter, he was given a task to find the answer to the question of importance to our modern civilization: What should humanity do to restore itself toward successful civilization?
In his conquest for answer, Ponder engage historical characters and obtain their counsel. The book is filled with meaningful and insightful dialogs. Andy Andrews has done a thorough research in regard to the authenticity of quotes from the historical characters. Readers will learn much about history while being fascinated by Ponder’s journey to the past in his search for the answer that our civilization needs.
The book is very engaging as we are drawn to guess what would be the solution. We can feel the excitement as Ponder and his historical advisers come close to the answer, and we can also feel a deep disappointment when they find their answer being rejected by the angel. Readers will find their emotion rising and subsiding with every attempt by Ponder and his counselors to seek the right answer.
I would rate the book 5 stars for its suspense, its historical insights, its motivational content, and its inspirational message. Go get the book and welcome to the adventure.
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